
Submit solution

Points: 10
Time limit: 5.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type
Allowed languages
C#, Go, Java

Una forma de veure la popularitat dels llenguatges de programació, es veure els cops que es mencionen a les xarxes socials.

A partir d'una sèrie de missatges publicats, volem fer un ranking dels hashtags més utilitzats.

Input Format

En primer lloc ve el nombre de missatges. A continuació venen els missatges.

Cada missatge està encabit dintre d'unes claus {}

El missatge pot ocupar vàries línies, però totes elles tenen 1 grau de tabulació.


Un Hastag comença amb una # i es permeten lletres i números, i en general qualsevol caràcter que no sigui:

. , - : ? !

Output Format

S'imprimirà la llista de Hashtags i les vegades que apareix als missatges

Test Case 1

    #Python #Java
#java 3
#python 2

Test Case 2

    The #Java world
    Programming in #Python #Java
    Everybody loves #PHP
    #Python is easy, #Java mmmm
#java 3
#python 2
#php 1

Test Case 3

    What if... Oh, it actually works. #javascript
    #Java: New Developments & Features.
    Anyone out there know if there are any good books on #java?
    All computers wait at same speed #java, #JavaScript
#java 3
#javascript 2

Test Case 4

    Everything you need to know about the newest garbage collectors in #Java.
    #python:  The boolean values False and True are equal to zero and one.
    Write everything in #JavaScript?
    Yet Another #javascript Framework
    got photo bombed by Guido van Rossum creator of #python
    Tonight I manipulated the DOM to add elements to a webpage using #javascript!
    Mind freaking blown!
#javascript 3
#python 2
#java 1

Test Case 5

    #Java: New Developments & Features. #Java is growing and changing quickly,
    and there's a lot to keep up with.
    Everything you need to know about the newest garbage collectors in #Java.
    For #Java developers, learning Spring Boot is the first step to learning to developer
    applications for the cloud.
    A Reading List for #Java Programmers
    I used the last two days to complete the JUnit tutorial. #java
    Starting with my first #Java app
    Now I know #Java
    #Python is the most popular language in 2019
    How To: Configure #Python Virtual Environment
    console.log("good morning"); #JavaScript
    System.out.println("good morning"); #JAVA
    print "good morning"; #Python
    echo "good morning"; #PHP
    Good morning. #Human
    1 Minute #Python - String Indexing: Positive Indexes Enjoy! :)
    Creating a Neural Network from Scratch in #Python
    #python tip:  The boolean values False and True are equal to zero and one.
    got photo bombed by Guido van Rossum creator of #python
    Tonight I manipulated the DOM to add elements to a webpage using #javascript!
    Mind freaking blown!
    Today was spent going over regular expressions in #JavaScript
    I started learning React before having a solid grasp of #JavaScript and I regretted it.
    What if... Oh, it actually works. #javascript
    Write everything in #JavaScript
    This is going to change my entire workflow of building #javascript
    Yet Another #javascript Framework
    Time to relax after work and not think about #JavaScript Errors.
    if an image failed to load, show a customized broken image #javascript
    all about Machine Learning with #JavaScript
    Can you spot the vulnerability? #PHP
    Improve the security of your #PHP app
    <? this tweet is not parsed as #PHP anymore: get over it
    Vue and Laravel To-Do App - Restful API Project #PHP
    What #PHP version are you running?
    Learn to Create a #PHP MVC Framework
    That #PHP clip too crazy!!!
    Hello, naming convention:
    #java #javascript #python #CSharp #PHP
    Languages to learn this year;
    #Python #JavaScript #PHP #CSharp
    Looks like PAUSE has taken a pause. #Java
    Which programming language would you recommend to start learning first?
    #Python #Java #CSharp #PHP #Javascript
    All computers wait at same speed #CSharp
    Do #CSharp developers have 20/20 vision?
    Anyone out there know if there are any good books on #CSharp?
    Wish I could declare local variables as `readonly` in #csharp so I can't accidentally overwrite them.
    It doesn't seem to be #csharp
#javascript 14
#java 13
#php 11
#python 10
#csharp 8
#human 1

Authorship: Gerard Falcó