# # Copyright (c) 2004, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. # # ============================================================================== # # Example of a secure RMI connector (subject delegation). # # This example uses: # # - the password authenticator based on the JMXAuthenticator interface for # user authentication, # - the file access controller based on the MBeanServerForwarder interface # for user access level authorization, # - the subject delegation feature: the connection is authenticated using # "username" as principal but the operations and hence the authorization # checks are performed on behalf of the "delegate" principal. The policy # file grants permission to the principal "username" to perform operations # on behalf of the principal "delegate". # # ============================================================================== # # In order to compile and run the example, make a copy of this README file, and # then simply cut and paste all the commands as needed into a terminal window. # # All the commands below are defined using Unix korn shell syntax. # # If you are not running Unix and korn shell you are expected to be able to # adapt these commands to your favorite OS and shell environment. # # Compile Java classes # # * Server.java: creates an MBeanServer and creates and starts a secure RMI # connector server (JRMP). # # * Client.java: creates a secure RMI connector (JRMP), creates and registers # a Simple standard MBean and performs operations on it # using a delegation subject. # # * ClientListener.java: implements a generic notification listener. # # * SimpleStandard.java: implements the Simple standard MBean. # # * SimpleStandardMBean.java: the management interface exposed by the Simple # standard MBean. # javac mbeans/SimpleStandard.java \ mbeans/SimpleStandardMBean.java \ server/Server.java \ client/Client.java \ client/ClientListener.java # Start the RMI registry: # export CLASSPATH=server ; rmiregistry 9999 & # Start the Server: # java -classpath server:mbeans \ -Djava.security.policy=config/java.policy \ Server & # Start the Client: # java -classpath client:server:mbeans Client # ==============================================================================