Documentation Contents


Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology Overview

Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Java Platform, Standard Edition version 7

April, 2012

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1. Introduction to JMX Technology

What Is JMX Technology?

Why Use JMX Technology?

What's New in JDK7?

2. JMX Architecture

Architecture Outline

Instrumenting Resources Using MBeans

Creating a JMX Agent

Managing Resources Remotely

3. Instrumenting Your Resources for JMX Technology

Manageable Resources

Managed Beans (MBeans)

Java Virtual Machine Instrumentation

4. Using JMX Agents

MBean Server

Agent Services

Protocol Adaptors and Connectors

Protocol Adaptors


5. Using JMX Connectors to Manage Resources Remotely

RMI Connector

Generic Connector

User-Defined Protocols

6. Discovery and Lookup Services

Getting Started With Lookup Services

Using the Service Location Protocol (SLP)

Using the Jini Network Technology

Using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API With an LDAP Backend

A. JMX Technology Versions

Java Management Extensions (JMX) Instrumentation and Agent Specification (JSR 3)

JMX Remote API Specification (JSR 160)


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