Documentation Contents
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1 Introduction
1.1 Document Overview
1.2 Interface Overview
1.2.1 NamingManager and DirectoryManager
1.2.2 Initial Contexts
1.2.3 Object Factories
1.2.4 State Factories
1.2.5 Federation Support
2 Building a Context Implementation
2.1 Ownership of Parameters
2.2 Reentrancy
2.3 Basic Support-Implementing the Context Interface(s)
2.4 Object Support
2.4.1 Reading an Object
2.4.2 Storing an Object
2.5 Federation Support
2.5.1 Names
2.5.2 Resolving Through a Context
2.5.3 Resolving Through to Subinterfaces of Context
2.5.4 Naming System Boundaries
2.5.5 Continuing an Operation in a Federation
2.5.6 "Dynamic" Location of Next Naming System
2.5.7 More about CannotProceedException
2.5.8 Contextual Information
2.6 Referral Support
2.7 Schema Support
2.8 Event Support
2.9 Context Environment Support
2.9.1 Property Naming Convention
2.9.2 Initializing a Context's Environment
2.9.3 Inheritance
2.9.4 Updates to the Environment
2.9.5 Provider Resource Files
2.10 Connection Management
3 The Initial Context
3.1 The Initial Context Factory
3.1.1 Exceptions
3.2 URL Support
3.2.1 URL Context
3.2.2 URL Context Factory
3.2.3 Service Provider's Responsibility
3.3 Overriding the Default Behavior
3.3.1 Removing URL Support
3.3.2 Removing All Policy
3.4 Implementing a Subclass of InitialContext
3.4.1 URL Support
3.4.2 New Method Support
3.4.3 Constructors
4 Customizing A Context Implementation
4.1 Reading Objects: Object Factories
4.1.1 Handling Structured References
4.1.2 Handling URL References
4.1.3 Handling Arbitrary References: The java.naming.factory.object Property
4.1.4 Overriding the Default Behavior
4.1.5 Context Factory
4.1.6 URL Context Factory
4.2 Storing Objects: State Factories
4.2.1 Input/Output Options
4.2.2 Locating State Factories: The java.naming.factory.state Property
4.3 Narrowing LDAP v3 Controls: Response Control Factories
4.3.1 Locating Response Control Factories: The java.naming.factory.control Property
4.4 Ownership of Parameters
4.5 Reentrancy
Appendix A: Service Provider Example
Appendix B: Legend for Class Diagram
Appendix C: JNDI Change History

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