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Java Platform, Standard Edition Nashorn User's Guide
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2 The Nashorn Java API

This chapter describes how to access Java from a script interpreted by the Nashorn engine.

The sections in this chapter contain examples of script statements interpreted by the Nashorn engine in interactive language shell mode. This interactive shell is started by running the jjs command without any scripts passed to it. This is useful for trying things out, but the main purpose of the Nashorn Java API is to write Java applications as scripts that can be interpreted by the Nashorn engine.

Accessing Java Classes

There are two approaches to access packages and classes using Nashorn: the traditional approach is to use the Packages global object, and the recommended approach is to use the Java global object. This section describes both approaches.

The predefined top-level Packages object enables you to access Java packages and classes using their fully qualified names, as if they are properties of the Packages object. The following example shows how you can access the MyPackage package and its MyClass class if MyPackage.jar is in your class path:

jjs> Packages.MyPackage
[JavaPackage MyPackage]
jjs> Packages.MyPackage.MyClass
[JavaClass MyPackage.MyClass]

Accessing standard Java packages and classes is more straightforward than accessing custom packages and classes. For your convenience, there are global objects defined for each of the standard Java packages: com, edu, java, javafx, javax, and org. They have aliases that correspond to properties of the Packages object. The following example shows how you can access the java.lang package and the java.lang.System class:

jjs> java.lang
[JavaPackage java.lang]
jjs> typeof java.lang
jjs> java.lang.System
[JavaClass java.lang.System]
jjs> typeof java.lang.System

As you can see from the previous example, Nashorn interprets Java packages as JavaPackage objects, and Java classes as JavaClass function objects, which can be used as constructors for the classes. For more information about instantiating a class, see Creating Java Objects.

The traditional approach for accessing Java packages and classes is intuitive and straightforward, but at the same time, it can be inefficient, limited, and error-prone for the following reasons:

To avoid the disadvantages of the approach previously described, Nashorn defines the Java global object that has several functions for working with Java classes. The Java.type() function takes a string with the fully qualified Java class name, and returns the corresponding JavaClass function object. The following example shows how you can access the java.lang.System class:

jjs> Java.type("java.lang.System")
[JavaClass java.lang.System]

Similar to importing classes in Java, it is a good practice to declare variables of JavaClass type at the beginning of a script. The following example shows how you can declare the System variable and give it a value of the java.lang.System class:

jjs> var System = Java.type("java.lang.System")
jjs> System
[JavaClass java.lang.System]

Creating Java Objects

To instantiate a class, pass the JavaClass function object to the new operator. Nashorn invokes the corresponding constructor based on the arguments passed to the function. The following example shows how you can instantiate the java.util.HashMap class with the default initial capacity and with the initial capacity set to 100:

jjs> var HashMap = Java.type("java.util.HashMap")
jjs> var mapDef = new HashMap()
jjs> var map100 = new HashMap(100)

Accessing Class and Instance Members

You can use the standard dot notation to access static fields, methods, and inner classes as follows:

jjs> Java.type("java.lang.Math").PI
jjs> Java.type("java.lang.System").currentTimeMillis()
jjs> Java.type("java.util.Map").Entry
[JavaClass java.util.Map$Entry]

An inner class can also be accessed using internal representation with the dollar sign ($) as the separator, or a dot, which is consistent with Java:

jjs> Java.type("java.util.Map$Entry")
[JavaClass java.util.Map$Entry]
jjs> Java.type("java.util.Map.Entry")
[JavaClass java.util.Map$Entry]

To invoke an instance method or access an instance field of an object, use the dot operator, similar to how it is done in Java. The following example shows how you can call the toUpperCase() method on a String object:

jjs> var String = Java.type("java.lang.String")
jjs> var str = new String("Hello")
jjs> str
jjs> var upper = str.toUpperCase()
jjs> upper

Nashorn also supports member access using the bracket notation, where you specify the name of the member as a string between brackets ([]) that immediately follow the class (in case of a static member) or object (in case of an instance member). This method is defined by the ECMAScript as an alternative to the dot notation, and is not intuitive for Java developers. However, it can be used to resolve method overload ambiguity. By default, Nashorn uses the overloaded method that best matches the arguments, and this is not always what you expect. For example, if you want to print a double value, you must use the java.lang.System.out.println(double) method overload, as shown in the following example:

jjs> Java.type("java.lang.System").out.println(10)
jjs> Java.type("java.lang.System").out["println(double)"](10)

Using JavaBeans

Nashorn enables you to treat accessor and mutator methods in JavaBeans as equivalent JavaScript properties. The name of the property is the name of the JavaBean method without the get or set suffix, and starts with a lowecase letter. For example you can call the getYear() and setYear() methods in a java.util.Date object using the year property as follows:

jjs> var Date = Java.type("java.util.Date")
jjs> var date = new Date()
jjs> date.year + 1900
jjs> date.year = 2014 - 1900
jjs> date.year + 1900

Working with Java Arrays

To access a Java array class, pass to the Java.type() function the type of objects that comprise the array followed by a pair of brackets (similar to Java syntax). The following example shows how you can access a Java array of integers and a Java array of String objects:

jjs> Java.type("int[]")
[JavaClass [I]
jjs> Java.type("java.lang.String[]")
[JavaClass [Ljava.lang.String;]

After you have the array type object, you can use it to instantiate an array as you do any other class. You can access array entries by their indexes, and use the dot or bracket notation to access members (similar to Java syntax), as shown in the following example:

jjs> var IntArrayType = Java.type("int[]")
jjs> var arr = new IntArrayType(10)
jjs> arr[1] = 123
jjs> arr[2] = 321
jjs> arr[1] + arr[2]
jjs> arr[10]
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 10
jjs> arr.length

If you have an existing JavaScript array, you can convert it to a Java array using the function. The following example shows how you can convert a JavaScript array of strings "a", "b", and "c", to a java.lang.String[] array with the same values:

jjs> var jsArr = ["a","b","c"]
jjs> var strArrType = Java.type("java.lang.String[]")
jjs> var javaArr =, strArrType)
jjs> javaArr.class
class [Ljava.lang.String;
jjs> javaArr[0]

You can iterate through a Java array's indexes and values using the for and for each statements as follows:

jjs> for (var i in javaArr) print(i)
jjs> for each (var i in javaArr) print(i)

Working with Java Strings

Strings are interpreted by Nashorn as java.lang.String objects. However, if you concatenate two strings you get an instance of the jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ConsString class. This is not a problem for most scripts, because both classes implement the java.lang.CharSequence interface, but in some cases, Nashorn passes the ConsString object when a method expects a java.lang.Object argument. To avoid this, use the String() function to ensure that the string is a Java String object, as shown in the following example:

jjs> var a = "abc"
jjs> a.class
class java.lang.String
jjs> var b = a + "def"
jjs> b.class
class jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ConsString
jjs> var c = String(b)
jjs> c.class
class java.lang.String

Working with Java Numbers

Nashorn interprets numbers as java.lang.Double, java.lang.Long, or java.lang.Integer objects, depending on the computation performed. You can use the Number() function to force a number to be a Double object, as shown in the following example:

jjs> var intNum = 10
jjs> intNum.class
class java.lang.Integer
jjs> var dblNum = Number(intNum)
jjs> dblNum.class
class java.lang.Double

Working with Java Collections

Nashorn interprets Java collections as arrays. You can access collection elements using the index in brackets ([]) and iterate over the values of a collection using the for each statement, as shown in the following example:

jjs> var ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
jjs> var alist = new ArrayList()
jjs> alist.add("a")
jjs> alist.add("b")
jjs> alist.add("c")
jjs> alist[1]
jjs> for each (var i in alist) print(i)

Unlike other collections, to iterate over keys and values in a map, you must use the keySet() and values() methods. The following example shows how you can create a HashMap object and iterate over its keys and values:

jjs> var HashMap = Java.type("java.util.HashMap")
jjs> var hm = new HashMap()
jjs> hm.put("name", "Bob")
jjs> hm.put("age", 40)
jjs> hm.put("weight", 180)
jjs> for each (var i in hm.keySet()) print(i)
jjs> for each (var i in hm.values()) print(i)

Extending Java Classes

You can extend a class using the Java.extend() function that takes a Java type as the first argument and method implementations (in the form of JavaScript functions) as the other arguments. Example 2-1 shows a script that extends the java.lang.Runnable interface and uses it to construct a new java.lang.Thread object.

Nashorn can automatically extend single abstract method (SAM) classes if you provide the function for implementing the method as the argument to the constructor. Example 2-2 shows a script that extends the java.lang.Runnable interface and uses it to construct a new java.lang.Thread object, but it uses fewer lines of code than in Example 2-1, because the Java.extend() function is called automatically for a SAM class.

For more information about the capabilities of the Java.extend() function, see Java Scripting Programmer's Guide at

Restricting Script Access to Specified Java Classes

The jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ClassFilter interface,, enables you to restrict access to specified Java classes from scripts run by a Nashorn script engine. Applications that embed Nashorn, in particular, server-side JavaScript frameworks, often have to run scripts from untrusted sources and therefore must limit access to Java APIs. These applications can implement the ClassFilter interface to restrict Java class access to a subset of Java classes. To do so, client applications must use Nashorn APIs to instantiate the Nashorn script engine.

Using Class Filters

To use a class filter, implement the ClassFilter interface and define the method boolean exposeToScripts(String). The String argument is the name of the Java class or package that the Nashorn script engine encounters when it runs a script. Define the method exposeToScripts such that it returns false for those classes and packages you want to prevent scripts from accessing. Then, create a Nashron script engine with with your class filter with the method NashornScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(ClassFilter) or NashornScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(String[], ClassLoader, ClassFilter).

Restricting Access to Java Reflection APIs

If you are using a security manager, then Nashorn allows a script to use the Java Reflection APIs (for example, the java.lang.reflect and java.lang.invoke packages) only if the script has the nashorn.javaReflection run time permission. If you are using a class filter, then Nashorn prevents access to Java Reflection APIs even when a security manager is not present. Note that you do not need to use a class filter if the Java Reflection APIs are available because a script can use the Class.forName(String) to circumvent the class filter.

Example of Using the ClassFilter Interface

The following example demonstrates the ClassFilter interface:

This example prints the following:

Create file variable
Exception caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

The example does the following:

  1. Implements the ClassFilter with the inner class MyCF by defining the method exposeToScripts. In this example, the method exposeToScripts returns false if its String argument is; otherwise it returns true.

  2. Creates a Nashorn script engine, engine, with the method NashornScriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine(ClassFilter). The example invokes getScriptEgnine with an instance of MyCF.

  3. Runs the following script with the Nashorn script engine engine:

    print(\"Create file variable\");
    var File = Java.type(\"\");

    The class filter in engine checks each Java package and class in the script. When the class filter encounters the class, the class filter returns false, and the Java.type function throws a ClassNotFoundException.

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