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Serialization Filtering

You can use the Java serialization filtering mechanism to help prevent deserialization vulnerabilities. You can define pattern-based filters or you can create custom filters.


Addressing Deserialization Vulnerabilities

An application that accepts untrusted data and deserializes it is vulnerable to attacks. You can create filters to screen incoming streams of serialized objects before they are deserialized.

Inherent Dangers of Deserialization

Deserializing untrusted data, especially from an unknown, untrusted, or unauthenticated client, is an inherently dangerous activity because the content of the incoming data stream determines the objects that are created, the values of their fields, and the references between them. By careful construction of the stream, an adversary can run code in arbitrary classes with malicious intent.

For example, if object construction has side effects that change state or invoke other actions, then those actions can compromise the integrity of application objects, library objects, and even the Java runtime. "Gadget classes," which can perform arbitrary reflective actions such as create classes and invoke methods on them, can be deserialized maliciously to cause a denial of service or remote code execution.

The key to disabling deserialization attacks is to prevent instances of arbitrary classes from being deserialized, thereby preventing the direct or indirect execution of their methods. You can do this through serialization filters.

Java Serialization and Deserialization Overview

An object is serialized when its state is converted to a byte stream. That stream can be sent to a file, to a database, or over a network. A Java object is serializable if its class or any of its superclasses implements either the interface or the subinterface. In the JDK, serialization is used in many areas, including Remote Method Invocation (RMI), custom RMI for interprocess communication (IPC) protocols (such as the Spring HTTP invoker), and Java Management Extensions (JMX).

An object is deserialized when its serialized form is converted to a copy of the object. It is important to ensure the security of this conversion. Deserialization is code execution because the readObject method of the class that is being deserialized can contain custom code.

Serialization Filters

A serialization filter enables you to specify which classes are acceptable to an application and which should be rejected. Filters also enable you to control the object graph size and complexity during deserialization so that the object graph doesn't exceed reasonable limits. You can configure filters as properties or implement them programmatically.

Note: A serialization filter is not enabled or configured by default. Serialization filtering doesn't occur unless you have specified the filter in a system property or a Security Property or set it with the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter class.

Besides creating filters, you can take the following actions to help prevent deserialization vulnerabilities:

Note: Built-in filters are provided for RMI. However, you should use these built-in filters as starting points only. Configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for your application that uses RMI. See Built-in Filters.

For more information about these and other strategies, see "Serialization and Deserialization" in Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE.

Java Serialization Filters

The Java serialization filtering mechanism screens incoming streams of serialized objects to help improve security and robustness. Filters can validate incoming instances of classes before they are deserialized.

As stated in JEP 290 and JEP 415, the goals of the Java serialization filtering mechanism are to:

There are two kinds of filters:

You can implement a serialization filter in the following ways:

Note: A serialization filter is not enabled or configured by default. Serialization filtering doesn't occur unless you have specified the filter in a system property or a Security Property or set it with the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter class.

For every new object in the stream, the filter mechanism applies only one filter to it. However, this filter might be a combination of filters.

In most cases, a stream-specific filter should check if a JVM-wide filter is set, especially if you haven't specified a filter factory. If a JVM-wide filter does exist, then the stream-specific filter should invoke it and use the JVM-wide filter's result unless the status is UNDECIDED.

Filter Factories

A filter factory selects, chooses, or combines filters into a single filter to be used for a stream. When you specify one, a deserialization operation uses it when it encounters a class for the first time to determine whether to allow it. (Subsequent instances of the same class aren't filtered.) It's implemented as a BinaryOperator<sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter> and specified in a system or Security property; see Setting a Filter Factory. Whenever an ObjectInputStream is created, the filter factory selects an ObjectInputFilter. However, you can have a different filter created based on the characteristics of the stream and the filter that the filter factory previously created.

Allow-Lists and Reject-Lists

Allow-lists and reject-lists can be implemented using pattern-based filters or custom filters. These lists allow you to take proactive and defensive approaches to protect your applications.

The proactive approach uses allow-lists to allow only class names that are recognized and trusted and to reject all others. You can implement allow-lists in your code when you develop your application, or later by defining pattern-based filters. If your application only deals with a small set of classes then this approach can work very well. You can implement allow-lists by specifying the names of classes, packages, or modules that are allowed.

The defensive approach uses reject-lists to reject instances of classes that are not trusted. Usually, reject-lists are implemented after an attack that reveals that a class is a problem. A class name can be added to a reject-list, without a code change, by adding it to a pattern-based filter that's specified in the jdk.serialFilter property.

Creating Pattern-Based Filters

Pattern-based filters are filters that you define without changing your application code. You add JVM-wide filters in properties files or application-specific filters on the java command line.

A pattern-based filter is a sequence of patterns. Each pattern is matched against the name of a class in the stream or a resource limit. Class-based and resource limit patterns can be combined in one filter string, with each pattern separated by a semicolon (;).

Pattern-based Filter Syntax

When you create a filter that is composed of patterns, use the following guidelines:

If a class name doesn't match any filter, then it is allowed. If you want to allow only certain class names, then your filter must reject everything that doesn't match. To reject all class names other than those specified, include !* as the last pattern in a class filter.

For a complete description of the syntax for the patterns, see JEP 290.

Pattern-Based Filter Limitations

The following are some of the limitations of pattern-based filters:

Note: A pattern-based filter doesn't check interfaces that are implemented by classes being deserialized. The filter is invoked for interfaces explicitly referenced in the stream; it isn't invoked for interfaces implemented by classes for objects being deserialized.

Define a Pattern-Based Filter for One Application

You can define a pattern-based filter as a system property for one application. A system property supersedes a Security Property value.

To create a filter that only applies to one application, and only to a single invocation of Java, define the jdk.serialFilter system property in the command line.

The following example shows how to limit resource usage for an individual application:

java -Djdk.serialFilter=maxarray=100000;maxdepth=20;maxrefs=500??com.example.test.Application

Define a Pattern-Based Filter for All Applications

You can define a pattern-based, JVM-wide filter that affects every application run with a Java runtime from $JAVA_HOME by specifying it as a Security Property. (Note that a system property supersedes a Security Property value.) Edit the file $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/ and add the pattern-based filter to the jdk.serialFilter Security Property.

Define a Class Filter

You can create a pattern-based class filter that is applied globally. For example, the pattern might be a class name or a package with wildcard.

In the following example, the filter rejects one class name from a package (!example.somepackage.SomeClass), and allows all other class names in the package:

jdk.serialFilter=!example.somepackage.SomeClass;example.somepackage.*; The previous example filter allows all other class names, not just those in example.somepackage.*. To reject all other class names, add !*:


Define a Resource Limit Filter

A resource filter limits graph complexity and size. You can create filters for the following parameters to control the resource usage for each application:

Creating Custom Filters

Custom filters are filters you specify in your application's code. They are set on an individual stream or on all streams in a process. You can implement a custom filter as a pattern, a method, a lambda expression, or a class.

Reading a Stream of Serialized Objects

You can set a custom filter on one ObjectInputStream, or, to apply the same filter to every stream, set a JVM-wide filter. If an ObjectInputStream doesn't have a filter defined for it, the JVM-wide filter is called, if there is one.

While the stream is being decoded, the following actions occur:

Unless a filter rejects the object, the object is accepted.

Setting a Custom Filter for an Individual Stream

You can set a filter on an individual ObjectInputStream when the input to the stream is untrusted and the filter has a limited set of classes or constraints to enforce. For example, you could ensure that a stream only contains numbers, strings, and other application-specified types.

A custom filter is set using the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(ObjectInputStream, ObjectInputFilter) method. The custom filter must be set before objects are read from the stream.

In the following example, the setObjectInputFilter method is invoked with the dateTimeFilter method. This filter only accepts classes from the java.time package. The dateTimeFilter method is defined in a code sample in Setting a Custom Filter as a Method.

LocalDateTime readDateTime(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is)) {
        ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(ois, FilterClass::dateTimeFilter);
        return (LocalDateTime) ois.readObject();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        IOException ioe = new StreamCorruptedException("class missing");
        throw ioe;

Setting a JVM-Wide Custom Filter

You can set a JVM-wide filter that applies to every use of ObjectInputStream unless it is overridden on a specific stream. If you can identify every type and condition that is needed by the entire application, the filter can allow those and reject the rest. Typically, JVM-wide filters are used to reject specific classes or packages, or to limit array sizes, graph depth, or total graph size.

A JVM-wide filter is set once using the methods of the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config class. The filter can be an instance of a class, a lambda expression, a method reference, or a pattern.

ObjectInputFilter filter = ...

In the following example, the JVM-wide filter is set by using a lambda expression.

ObjectInputFilter.Config.setSerialFilter( info ->
    info.depth() > 10 ? Status.REJECTED : Status.UNDECIDED);

In the following example, the JVM-wide filter is set by using a method reference:


Setting a Custom Filter Using a Pattern

A pattern-based custom filter, which is convenient for simple cases, can be created by using the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config.createFilter method. You can create a pattern-based filter as a system property or Security Property. Implementing a pattern-based filter as a method or a lambda expression gives you more flexibility.

The filter patterns can accept or reject specific names of classes, packages, and modules and can place limits on array sizes, graph depth, total references, and stream size. Patterns cannot match the names of the supertype or interfaces of the class.

In the following example, the filter allows example.File and rejects example.Directory.
ObjectInputFilter filesOnlyFilter =

This example allows only example.File. All other class names are rejected.

ObjectInputFilter filesOnlyFilter =

Setting a Custom Filter as a Class

A custom filter can be implemented as a class implementing the sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter interface, as a lambda expression, or as a method.

A filter is typically stateless and performs checks solely on the input parameters.?? However, you may implement a filter that, for example, maintains state between calls to the checkInput method to count artifacts in the stream.

In the following example, the FilterNumber class allows any object that is an instance of the Number class and rejects all others.

    class FilterNumber implements ObjectInputFilter {
        public Status checkInput(FilterInfo filterInfo) {
            Class<?> clazz = filterInfo.serialClass();
            if (clazz != null) {
                return (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
                    ? ObjectInputFilter.Status.ALLOWED
                    : ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED;
            return ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED;

In the example:

Setting a Custom Filter as a Method

A custom filter can also be implemented as a method. The method reference is used instead of an inline lambda expression.

The dateTimeFilter method that is defined in the following example is used by the code sample in Setting a Custom Filter for an Individual Stream.

    public class FilterClass {
        static ObjectInputFilter.Status dateTimeFilter(ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo info) {
            Class<?> serialClass = info.serialClass();
            if (serialClass != null) {
                return serialClass.getPackageName().equals("java.time")
                        ? ObjectInputFilter.Status.ALLOWED
                        : ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED;
            return ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED;

This custom filter allows only the classes found in the base module of the JDK:

        static ObjectInputFilter.Status baseFilter(ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo info) {
            Class<?> serialClass = info.serialClass();
            if (serialClass != null) {
                return serialClass.getModule().getName().equals("java.base")
                        ? ObjectInputFilter.Status.ALLOWED
                        : ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED;
            return ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED;

Setting a Filter Factory

A filter factory is a BinaryOperator, which is a function of two operands that chooses the filter for a stream. You set a filter factory by specifying its class name in the system property jdk.serialFilterFactory or in the Security Property jdk.serialFilterFactory.

Creating a Filter Factory

The sample code is a simple example of a filter factory. It prints its sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter parameters every time its apply method is invoked, then returns an ObjectInputFilter that consists of the apply method's parameters merged into one filter.

When you set a filter factory, the filter factory's method BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter>.apply(sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter t, sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter u) will be invoked when an ObjectInputStream is constructed and when a stream-specific filter is set on an ObjectInputStream. The parameter t is the current filter and u is the requested filter. When apply is first invoked, t will be null. If a JVM-wide filter has been set, then when apply is first invoked, u will be the JVM-wide filter. Otherwise, u will be null. The apply method (which you must implement yourself) returns the filter to be used for the stream. If apply is invoked again, then the parameter t will be this returned filter. When you set a filter with the method sun.misc.ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(ObjectInputStrea, ObjectInputFilter), then parameter u will be this filter.

Note: To protect against unexpected deserializations, ensure that security experts thoroughly review how your filter factories select and combine filters.

Specifying a Filter Factory in a System or Security Property

You can set a filter factory that applies to only one application and to only a single invocation of Java by specifying it in the jdk.serialFilterFactory system property in the command line:

java -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=FilterFactoryClassName YourApplication

The value of jdk.serialFilterFactory is the fully qualified class name of the filter factory to be set before the first deserialization. The class must be public and accessible to the application class loader (which the method java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() returns).

You can set a JVM-wide filter factory that affects every application run with a Java runtime from $JAVA_HOME by specifying it in a Security Property. Note that a system property supersedes a Security Property value. Edit the file $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/ and specify the filter factory's class name in the jdk.serialFilterFactory Security Property.

The sample code demonstrates the filter factory BasicFilterFactory.

Run TestBasicFilter with the following command:

java -Djdk.serialFilterFactory=BasicFilterFactory TestBasicFilter

This command prints output similar to the following:

Current filter: null
Requested filter: example.*;java.lang.*;!*
Current filter: example.*;java.lang.*;!*
Requested filter: TestBasicFilter$FilterNumber@7cca494b
Read obj: 42

The apply method is invoked twice: when the ObjectInputStream ois is created and when the method ObjectInputFilter.Config.setObjectInputFilter(ObjectInputStream, ObjectInputFilter) is called.

Note: You can set a filter on an ObjectInputStream only once. An IllegalStateException will be thrown otherwise.

Built-in Filters

The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Registry, the RMI Distributed Garbage Collector, and Java Management Extensions (JMX) all have filters that are included in the JDK. You should specify your own filters for the RMI Registry and the RMI Distributed Garbage Collector to add additional protection.

Filters for RMI Registry

Note: Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the sun.rmi.registry.registryFilter system property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for the RMI Registry. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

The RMI Registry has a built-in allow-list filter that allows objects to be bound in the registry. It includes instances of the java.rmi.Remote, java.lang.Number, java.lang.reflect.Proxy, java.rmi.server.UnicastRef, java.rmi.server.UID, java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory, and java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory classes.

The built-in filter includes size limits:??


Supersede the built-in filter by defining a filter using the sun.rmi.registry.registryFilter system property with a pattern. If the filter that you define either accepts classes passed to the filter, or rejects classes or sizes, the built-in filter is not invoked.?? If your filter does not accept or reject anything, the built-filter is invoked.

Filters for RMI Distributed Garbage Collector

Note: Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the sun.rmi.transport.dgcFilter system property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for Distributed Garbage Collector. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

The RMI Distributed Garbage Collector has a built-in allow-list filter that accepts a limited set of classes. It includes instances of the java.rmi.server.ObjID, java.rmi.server.UID, java.rmi.dgc.VMID, and java.rmi.dgc.Lease classes.

The built-in filter includes size limits:??


Supersede the built-in filter by defining a filter using the sun.rmi.transport.dgcFilter system property with a pattern. If the filter accepts classes passed to the filter, or rejects classes or sizes, the built-in filter is not invoked.?? If the superseding filter does not accept or reject anything, the built-filter is invoked.

Filters for JMX

Note: Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the jmx.remote.rmi.server.serial.filter.pattern management property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for JMX. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

JMX has a built-in filter to limit a set of classes allowed to be sent as a deserializing parameters over RMI to the server. That filter is disabled by default. To enable the filter, define the jmx.remote.rmi.server.serial.filter.pattern management property with a pattern.

The pattern must include the types that are allowed to be sent as parameters over RMI to the server and all types they depends on, plus and java.rmi.MarshalledObject types. For example, to limit the allowed set of classes to Open MBean types and the types they depend on, add the following line to file.*;java.math.BigInteger;java.math.BigDecimal;java.util.*;*;;java.rmi.MarshalledObject;!*

Logging Filter Actions

You can turn on logging to record the initialization, rejections, and acceptances of calls to serialization filters. Use the log output as a diagnostic tool to see what's being deserialized, and to confirm your settings when you configure allow-lists and reject-lists.

When logging is enabled, filter actions are logged to the logger.

To enable serialization filter logging, edit the $JDK_HOME/conf/ file.

To log calls that are rejected, add = FINE

To log all filter results, add = FINEST

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