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This illustration shows a screenshot of the Java Runtime Environment Settings window. The window contains one group of settings labeled Java Runtime Versions. This group contains two tabs: User and System. The User tab is selected and it contains a table with the following column headings: Platform, Product, Location, Path, Runtime Parameters, and Enabled. There are two rows in the table. In the first row, Platform is set to 1.7, Product is set to 1.7.0-ea, Location starts with http://java..., Path starts with /home/buster/jd..., with no Runtime Parameters and a selected check box for Enabled. In the second row, Platform is set to 1.6, Product is set to 1.6.0-24, Location starts with http://java..., Path starts with /home/buster/A..., with no Runtime Parameters and a deselected check box for Enabled.

Under the table on the right, there are three buttons labeled Find, Add and Remove. The Remove button is grayed out.

Under those buttons and under the Java Runtime Versions group on the right, there are two buttons labeled OK and Cancel.

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