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Java Platform, Standard Edition Troubleshooting Guide
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2.16 The jstack Utility

The release of JDK 8 introduced Java Mission Control, Java Flight Recorder, and jcmd utility for diagnosing problems with JVM and Java applications. It is suggested to use the latest utility, jcmd instead of the previous jstack utility for enhanced diagnostics and reduced performance overhead.

The following sections describe troubleshooting techniques with jstack utility.

2.16.1 Troubleshoot with jstack Utility

The jstack command-line utility attaches to the specified process or core file and prints the stack traces of all threads that are attached to the virtual machine, including Java threads and VM internal threads, and optionally native stack frames. The utility also performs deadlock detection.

The utility can also use the jsadebugd daemon to query a process or core file on a remote machine. Note: The output takes longer to print in this case.

A stack trace of all threads can be useful in diagnosing a number of issues, such as deadlocks or hangs.

The -l option, which instructs the utility to look for ownable synchronizers in the heap and print information about java.util.concurrent.locks. Without this option, the thread dump includes information only on monitors.

The output from the jstack pid option is the same as that obtained by pressing Ctrl+\ at the application console (standard input) or by sending the process a QUIT signal. See Control+Break Handler for an output example.

Thread dumps can also be obtained programmatically using the Thread.getAllStackTraces method, or in the debugger using the debugger option to print all thread stacks (the where command in the case of the jdb sample debugger).

For more details on the jstack utility, see the jstack command man page.

2.16.2 Force a Stack Dump

If the jstack pid command does not respond because of a hung process, then the -F option can be used (on Oracle Solaris and Linux operating systems only) to force a stack dump, as shown in Example 2-29.

Example 2-29 Force a Stack Dump with jstack Utility

$ jstack -F 8321
Attaching to process ID 8321, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Client compiler detected.
JVM version is 1.6.0-rc-b100
Deadlock Detection:

Found one Java-level deadlock:

  waiting to lock Monitor@0x000af398 (Object@0xf819aa10, a java/lang/String),
  which is held by "Thread1"
  waiting to lock Monitor@0x000af400 (Object@0xf819aa48, a java/lang/String),
  which is held by "Thread2"

Found a total of 1 deadlock.

Thread t@2: (state = BLOCKED)

Thread t@11: (state = BLOCKED)
 - Deadlock$ @bci=108, line=32 (Interpreted frame)

Thread t@10: (state = BLOCKED)
 - Deadlock$ @bci=108, line=32 (Interpreted frame)

Thread t@6: (state = BLOCKED)

Thread t@5: (state = BLOCKED)
 - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=-1107318896 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(long) @bci=44, line=116 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove() @bci=2, line=132 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ @bci=3, line=159 (Interpreted frame)

Thread t@4: (state = BLOCKED)
 - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.Object.wait() @bci=2, line=485 (Interpreted frame)
 - java.lang.ref.Reference$ @bci=46, line=116 (Interpreted frame)

2.16.3 Stack Trace from a Core Dump

To obtain stack traces from a core dump, execute the jstack command on a core file, as shown in Example 2-30.

2.16.4 Mixed Stack

The jstack utility can also be used to print a mixed stack; that is, it can print native stack frames in addition to the Java stack. Native frames are the C/C++ frames associated with VM code and JNI/native code.

To print a mixed stack, use the -m option, as shown in Example 2-31.

Example 2-31 Mixed Java Stack with jstack Utility

$ jstack -m 21177
Attaching to process ID 21177, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Client compiler detected.
JVM version is 1.6.0-rc-b100
Deadlock Detection:

Found one Java-level deadlock:

  waiting to lock Monitor@0x0005c750 (Object@0xd4405938, a java/lang/String),
  which is held by "Thread2"
  waiting to lock Monitor@0x0005c6e8 (Object@0xd4405900, a java/lang/String),
  which is held by "Thread1"

Found a total of 1 deadlock.

----------------- t@1 -----------------
0xff2c0fbc    __lwp_wait + 0x4
0xff2bc9bc    _thrp_join + 0x34
0xff2bcb28    thr_join + 0x10
0x00018a04    ContinueInNewThread + 0x30
0x00012480    main + 0xeb0
0x000111a0    _start + 0x108
----------------- t@2 -----------------
0xff2c1070    ___lwp_cond_wait + 0x4
0xfec03638    bool Monitor::wait(bool,long) + 0x420
0xfec9e2c8    bool Threads::destroy_vm() + 0xa4
0xfe93ad5c    jni_DestroyJavaVM + 0x1bc
0x00013ac0    JavaMain + 0x1600
0xff2bfd9c    _lwp_start
----------------- t@3 -----------------
0xff2c1070    ___lwp_cond_wait + 0x4
0xff2ac104    _lwp_cond_timedwait + 0x1c
0xfec034f4    bool Monitor::wait(bool,long) + 0x2dc
0xfece60bc    void VMThread::loop() + 0x1b8
0xfe8b66a4    void VMThread::run() + 0x98
0xfec139f4    java_start + 0x118
0xff2bfd9c    _lwp_start
----------------- t@4 -----------------
0xff2c1070    ___lwp_cond_wait + 0x4
0xfec195e8    void os::PlatformEvent::park() + 0xf0
0xfec88464    void ObjectMonitor::wait(long long,bool,Thread*) + 0x548
0xfe8cb974    void ObjectSynchronizer::wait(Handle,long long,Thread*) + 0x148
0xfe8cb508    JVM_MonitorWait + 0x29c
0xfc40e548    * java.lang.Object.wait(long) bci:0 (Interpreted frame)
0xfc40e4f4    * java.lang.Object.wait(long) bci:0 (Interpreted frame)
0xfc405a10    * java.lang.Object.wait() bci:2 line:485 (Interpreted frame)
... more lines removed here to reduce output...
----------------- t@12 -----------------
0xff2bfe3c    __lwp_park + 0x10
0xfe9925e4    AttachOperation*AttachListener::dequeue() + 0x148
0xfe99115c    void attach_listener_thread_entry(JavaThread*,Thread*) + 0x1fc
0xfec99ad8    void JavaThread::thread_main_inner() + 0x48
0xfec139f4    java_start + 0x118
0xff2bfd9c    _lwp_start
----------------- t@13 -----------------
0xff2c1500    _door_return + 0xc
----------------- t@14 -----------------
0xff2c1500    _door_return + 0xc

Frames that are prefixed with an asterisk (*) are Java frames, whereas frames that are not prefixed with an asterisk are native C/C++ frames.

The output of the utility can be piped through c++filt to demangle C++ mangled symbol names. Because the Java HotSpot VM is developed in the C++ language, the jstack utility prints C++ mangled symbol names for the Java HotSpot internal functions.

The c++filt utility is delivered with the native C++ compiler suite: SUNWspro on Oracle Solaris operating system and gnu on Linux.

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