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Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference
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4 Command Reference

This section lists and describes the Java Platform Standard Edition, Java SE) commands.

The Java SE commands provide a way for developers to handle development tasks such as compiling and running a program, packaging source files in to a JAR file, applying security policies to a JAR file, and more.

Command Reference Pages

This command reference describes the full set of JDK commands. The JDK commands that perform related functions are grouped into parts, as follows.

Create and Build Applications

appletviewer: Runs applets outside of a web browser.

extcheck: Detects version conflicts between a target Java Archive (JAR) file and currently installed extension JAR files.

jar: Combines multiple files into a single JAR file.

java: Starts a Java application.

javac: Reads Java class and interface definitions and compiles them into bytecode and class files.

javadoc: Generates HTML pages of API documentation from Java source files.

javah: Generates C header and source files from a Java class.

javap: Disassembles one or more class files.

jdb: Finds and fixes bugs in Java platform programs.


These commands set security policies on your local system and create applications that can work within the scope of the security policies set at remote sites.

keytool: Manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates.

jarsigner: Signs and verifies JAR files.

policytool: Reads and writes a plain text policy file based on user input through the utility GUI.


native2ascii: Creates localizable applications by converting a file with characters in any supported character encoding to one with ASCII and/or Unicode escapes (\uxxxx) notation for all characters that are not part of the ASCII character set, or vice versa.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

These commands create applications that interact over the web or with another network.

rmic: Generates stub, skeleton, and tie classes for remote objects that use the Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) or Internet Inter-Orb protocol (IIOP). Also generates Object Management Group (OMG) Interface Definition Language (IDL).

rmiregistry: Starts a remote object registry on the specified port on the current host.

rmid: Starts the activation system daemon that enables objects to be registered and activated in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

serialver: Returns the serial version UID for specified classes.


These commands create applications that use OMG-standard IDL and CORBA/IIOP.

tnameserv: Starts the Java Interface Definition Language (IDL) name server.

idlj: Generates Java bindings for a given Interface Definition Language (IDL) file.

orbd: Enables clients to locate and call persistent objects on servers in the CORBA environment.

servertool: Provides an easy-to-use interface for the application programmers to register, unregister, start up, and shut down a server.

Deploy Applications and Applets

pack200: Packages a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file for web deployment.

unpack200: Transforms a packed file produced by pack200(1) into a JAR file for web deployment.

Java Web Start

javaws: Starts Java Web Start.

Monitor Java Applications

jconsole: Starts a graphical console that lets you monitor and manage Java applications.

jvisualvm: Visually monitors, troubleshoots, and profiles Java applications.

Monitor the Java Virtual Machine

Most of these these commands are unsupported and experimental and might not be available in future JDK release.

jps: Experimental. Lists the instrumented Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) on the target system.

jstat: Experimental. Monitors JVM statistics

jstatd: Experimental. Monitors JVMs and enables remote monitoring tools to attach to JVMs.

jmc: Starts Java Mission Controla tool for monitoring and managing running Java applications and JVMs.

Web Services

schemagen: Generates a schema for every name space that is referenced in your Java classes.

wsgen: Reads a web service endpoint implementation (SEI) class and generates all of the required artifacts for web service deployment, and invocation.

wsimport: Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts that can be packaged in a web application archive (WAR) file and provides an Ant task.

xjc: Compiles an XML schema file into fully annotated Java classes.


Most of these commands are unsupported and experimental and might not be available in future JDK releases.

jcmd: Sends diagnostic command requests to a running JVM.

jinfo: Experimental. Generates configuration information.

jhat: Experimental. Analyzes the Java heap.

jmap: Experimental. Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory details for a process, core file, or remote debug server.

jsadebugd: Experimental. Attaches to a Java process or core file and acts as a debug server.

jstack: Experimental. Prints Java thread stack traces for a Java process, core file, or remote debug server.


This command is unsupported and experimental and might not be available in future JDK releases.

jrunscript: Experimental. Runs a command-line script shell that supports interactive and batch modes.

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